Montier, James - Value Investing

John Wiley & Sons, 2009, [Behavioural Finance] Grade 5

James Montier is a former sellside strategist, author of several books, currently working at GMO, a privately held investment management firm. He still writes insightful material under GMO Insights, together with other very readable persons like Edward Chancellor and Jeremy Grantham. The book comes with...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

O´Neil, William J. - How to Make Money in Stocks

Prentice Hall, 4th edition 2011, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

William O´Neil was born in 1933 and in 1963 he founded the company that bears his name. His company developed the first computerized daily securities database and he is still very active promoting his services of which this book probably is his bestselling tool. Based upon his...  Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Savage, Sam L. - The Flaw of Averages

John Wiley & Sons, 2009, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 3

“Consider the state of a drunk, wandering around on a busy highway. His average position is the centerline, so the state of the drunk at his average position is alive, but the average state of the drunk is dead.” Turn on your computer, picture-google “The flaw of averages” and take a look at the brilliant picture that...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Reinhart, Carmen & Rogoff, Kenneth - This Time Is Different

Princeton University Press, 2009, [Economics] Grade 5

It’s very rare for a book to become an instant classic, but this book made it. The reason was the subject, a great work effort and the perfect timing of the book. In 2009, when the financial crisis reached its nadir, this book seemed to give some answers on what had happened and what will...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Lewis, Michael - The Big Short

W.W. Norton & Company, 2011, [Finance] Grade 4

Twenty years ago, young and quitting bond trader Michael Lewis stumbled out of Salomon Brothers convinced that he had seen the peak of financial folly unwound. He was clearly wrong, but the book he wrote about his experience, Liar’s Poker, launched a hugely successful...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Lien, Kathy - The Little Book of Currency Trading

John Wiley & Sons, 2001, [Finance] Grade 3

This is partly an introduction to the foreign exchange (FX) market, partly a glance at a currency trader’s strategy. Kathy Lien, today Director of Currency Research at Global Forex Trading, has a long history in FX from and JP Morgan Chase. My major learning from the book is that...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Graham, Benjamin & Dodd, David - Security Analysis

McGraw-Hill, (6th edition) 2009, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

This is probably the most famous book of all books in the investment arena, quoted as one of the most important books by several investment legends like Warren Buffet. Buffett who had Graham as a teacher, and who was his favourite student earning the highest grade was the only one to...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Lowe, Janet - Benjamin Graham on Value Investing

Dearborn Financial Publishing, 1994, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

More than a book on value investing this is a book describing the history and person of Benjamin Graham written by one of today’s most prominent business writers. It’s a biography, not an investment text and together with the 1996 posthumously published, and never...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Loeb, Gerald M. - The Battle for Investment Survival

John Wiley & Sons, First ed 1935, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

Gerald Loeb was a well-known Wall Street profile for over 40 years. As a partner of the investment bank E.F. Hutton he broked stocks, but more importantly, he invested his own and other investors money. On top of all, he wrote popular columns in Barron’s and Wall Street Today about his investment strategies and how...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Fisher, Philip A. - Common Stocks Uncommon Profits

John Wiley & Sons, First ed 1958, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

Two things can be said about this book: One, it is a text which will still transform people many years from now. Two, everybody has eaten it, but very few have really tasted it. Warren Buffett has famously said that Chapter 8 of “The Intelligent Investor” completely turned...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Mauboussin, Michael J. - Think Twice

Harvard Business Press, 2008, [Behavioural Finance] Grade 5

The Autobahn to buying low and selling high is cluttered by mental traps, institutional barriers and questionable theories (CAPM, anyone?). This core read by Mauboussin deals with the first and arguably most important of those...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Lewis, Michael - Boomerang

Penguin Books, 2011, [Economics] Grade 3

Michael Lewis latest success, The Big Short, is about the financial meltdown in the United States. Boomerang is a follow up, focusing on the international crisis of sovereign debt. As always, Michael Lewis is truly entertaining. This book is witty and worthwhile to read, but...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Picerno, James - Dynamic Asset Allocation

Bloomberg Press, 2010, [Finance] Grade 3

James Picerno is a journalist who has been writing about finance for more than twenty years. Well, he sure picked up a lot of things on the way. Apart from a whole lot of knowledge he acquired a religion, the faith of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and its belief in...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Lynch, Peter with Rothchild, John - One Up On Wall Street

Fireside, 1989, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

Peter Lynch who managed the Magellan Fund at Fidelity from 1977 to 1990 was the shining star on the 1980’s equity heaven. Lynch’s yearly outperformance was 14 percentage points and he succeeded in beating the S&P 11 years in a row. In this book the author reveals his investment beliefs and...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Kaplan, Paul D. - Frontiers of Modern Asset Allocation

John Wiley & Sons, 2012, [Finance] Grade 4

Paul Kaplan is one of the more innovative thinkers in finance. After leaving Northwestern University Kaplan has spent over two decades at Ibbotson Associates and later Morningstar – after they bought Ibbotson – currently as the research director for Morningstar Europe. Kaplan’s thinking spans over...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Koller, Tim, Goedhart, Marc & Wessels, David - Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies

John Wiley & Sons, 2010, [Finance] Grade 5

On a basic level there are two competing mental models of stock values in the financial sector. The first is that the value of something is what someone is prepared to pay for that something. In the equity market this leads to statements such as “the valuation of a stock is low” if the current...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Arnold, Glen - The Great Investors

FT Prentice Hall, 2001, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

I love stock picking and I love stock pickers. Not the way I love my wife and kids, but still. This is a book that covers the strategies and processes of eight superb stock pickers plus one of the few persons ever who truly have mastered the game of market timing. The author Glen Arnold, investor and...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Hazlitt, Henry - Economics In One Lesson

Three Rivers Press, 1979, [Economics] Grade 5

Economics has always had the nickname, “the dismal science”. This has probably never been truer today. People who can explain how economics work in a simple way are rare. Henry Hazlitt is one of few. This book was first written in 1946, a time when his views were...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Bolton, Anthony - Investing Against The Tide

Pearson, 2009, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

Most of us know of several successful US managers, but when it comes to European managers it’s much more difficult. The author of this book is one of the most successful European investors, Anthony Bolton, who very successfully managed several...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...