Weiss, Stephen - The Big Win

John Wiley & Sons, 2012, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

In his first book, The Billion Dollar Mistake, the author, public speaker and investor Stephen L. Weiss wrote about the biggest mistakes of some of the world’s legendary investors. This previous book described events where they lost billions of dollars on a single investment. That was something...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Finkel, Robert A. - The Masters of Private Equity and Venture Capital

McGraw-Hill, 2010, [Finance] Grade 3

In this book some of the real veterans of Private Equity and Venture Capital get to tell their own story – How did their career develop? Why did they make the choices they made and how did this form the sectors today? What lessons can they share (professional and in life)? The author Robert Finkel is...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Young, S. David & O’Byrne, Stephen F. - EVA and Value-Based Management

McGraw-Hill, 2001, [Finance] Grade 3

It’s with mixed feelings I review this book almost a decade and a half after its publication. On the one hand the central insight of EVA, Economic Value Added, is as relevant as ever and unfortunately is still under-appreciated amongst corporate leaders. On the other hand the book hasn’t...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Drobny, Steven - Inside the House of Money

John Wiley & Sons, 2009, [Finance] Grade 5

This is very much a book in the Market Wizard-tradition - a knowledgeable person interviews prominent macro hedge fund managers on how they work and what investments they have done. As the author knows many of the interviewees personally the conversation becomes...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Kaletsky, Anatole - Capitalism 4.0

Bloomsbury, 2010, [Economics] Grade 4

Are you worried that capitalism will be dismantled following its alleged failure during the recent financial crisis? You shouldn’t worry too much because, as Anatole Kaletsky puts it, “capitalism doesn’t break because it bends”. Democratic capitalism has self-improvement in its DNA. In fact...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Train, John - Money Masters of Our Time

Harper Business, 2000, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

Strikingly often successful investors have had other successful investors as their mentors and you often hear them tell the tale of how they came to realize the insights from Ben Graham, George Soros, Jesse Livermore etc. Since very few are privileged enough to work for...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Greenblatt, Joel - You Can Be A Stock Market Genius

Fireside, 1997, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

With this his first book, superstar investor Joel Greenblatt tried to bring the process that gave him his early success to the general public. Even though the author is broad within his niche - special situations - the area in itself is specialized and also highly labor intensive making the venture doomed...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Mihaljevic, John - The Manual of Ideas

John Wiley, 2013, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

This book is a result from John Mihaljevic’s many projects, for example the websites Manual of Ideas and Valueconferences plus his investment firm, Mihaljevic Capital Management LL., and all of these are in their turn the result of his effort to answer a question he put to...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas - The Black Swan

Random House, 2007, [Behavioural Finance] Grade 5

To call this book an investment classic is an understatement. The Black Swan has had a huge impact also beyond the enclosed world of finance. A Black Swan is today a part of everyday vocabulary. Former trader and now author/ philosopher Nassim Taleb wasn’t first to...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Lafley, A.G. & Martin, Roger L. - Playing to Win, How Strategy Really Works

Harvard Business Review Press, 2013, [Business] Grade 4

I am often reminded, thru disparaging remarks - not seldom summarized as “fluff” - that corporate strategy is not a popular concept by many, maybe even the majority of us. Strangely enough, it still surprises me. Strategy is about making choices, about improving your odds. Obviously, you need...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Hagstrom, Robert - Investing: The Last Liberal Art

Columbia University Press, 2013 2nd ed, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

In the last chapter, the author writes something that perfectly sets the context for this in my mind slightly overlooked investment book (1st ed 2000): “Improving the resource condition of our System 2 thinking – that is to say, deepening and broadening our reserves of relevant information – is the principal reason this book was written”. Writing that in 2000, two years before...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Gray, Wesley R. & Carlisle, Tobias E. - Quantative Value

John Wiley & Sons, 2013, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

In these times of tight budgets, personnel intensive strategies like value investing has had to make way for indexing but also quantative investing. In the introduction to this book Gray and Carlisle give a short but comprehensive description of the field of value investing, including a wonderful...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Akerlof, George A. & Shiller, Robert – Animal Spirits

Princeton University Press, 2009, [Economics] Grade 5

Animal Spirits is a book about macroeconomics with an interesting twist.  Rest assured this is not another mundane behavioral economics handbook. The book was written in response to the financial crisis and the authors are economics rockstars. Robert Shiller and George Akerlof are...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Angenfelt, Magnus – The World's 99 Greatest Investors

Roos & Tegner, 2013, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

“The secret to success in any field is to find what successful people do, think about and act on and do the same”. The above is a quote from motivational speaker and business consultant Anthony Robbins that the author of The Worlds 99 Greatest Investors, Magnus Angenfelt - a former...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Shiller, Robert J. – Irrational Exuberance

Broadway Books, 2000, [Finance] Grade 5

During the 1990’s the cheeky Swedish TV-character Gert Fylking, dressed in an awful pink tracksuit had the habit of shouting “Finally!” when the Nobel Prize committee announced another obscure literature prize winner to the waiting possy of pretentious culture journalists. This year I...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Greenblatt, Joel – The Big Secret For the Small Investor

Crown Business, 2011, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

This is according to his own admission the book that superstar investor and Columbia business professor Joel Greenblatt always wanted to but never previously succeeded to write. I’m glad he failed twice before finally nailing it. The two beta versions turned out to be among...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Holland, David & Larsen, Tom – Beyond Earnings

Wiley Finance, 2008, [Finance] Grade 4

I have been an avid HOLT™-user since 2000 when I was first introduced to the company during a valuation seminar. So this review comes with the appropriate disclaimer of a happy customer. To me, HOLT has been like the sensible, objective and accomplished value investor that acts as...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Carret, Philip L . – The Art of Speculation

Dover Publishing, 1930, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

Every year, every business cycle and every decade has its hero. Few keep the track record over an extended time period so one conclusion is that he or she just happened to be long or short the asset proved right to be long or short at...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Pickens, T. Boone – The First Billion is the Hardest

Crown Publishing Group, 2008, [Business] Grade 3

In this part biography, part political appeal, the reader gets to familiarize himself with one of the most infamous persons of the 1980’s corporate America. T. Boone Pickens is most famous as a corporate raider. He has enjoyed equal success as an oil baron and a...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Stern, Joel M. & Shiely, John S. – The EVA Challenge

John Wiley & Sons, 2001, [Business] Grade 3

The 20th century saw a shift away from family owned and managed companies to a model with dispersed ownership and corporate management as a profession, not an inheritance. The split between ownership and control opened up for the conflicting interests that are...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...