Hodge, Nick - Energy Investing For Dummies

John Wiley & Sons, 2013, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

Most For-Dummies-books will take you far beyond the dummy level. This one is no exception. Nick Hodge is an author of multiple books on energy investing and also one of the editors of the energy-investing site Energy & Capital. Several of the other editors have helped out writing... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Swedroe, Larry E. & Berkin, Andrew L. - The Incredible Shrinking Alpha

BAM Alliance Press, 2015 [Equity Investing] Grade 2

The Incredible Shrinking Alpha´s core purpose is to show that active management is futile and as “alpha has become beta” those futile odds have been lowered even more compared to the 1950s. One of the authors, Larry Swedroe is a well-known proponent of investing in ETFs, while Mr... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Carnegie, Dale - How to Win Friends and Influence People

Vermilion, 2006 (first published in 1937), [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 3

This must be one of the best guides to Warren Buffett’s psyche and persona that there is. On the cover Buffett is quoted saying “[Carnegie] changed my life.” Dale Carnegie is the pioneer in the self-improvement genre and in adult education overall and this book remains a best seller... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Rodin, Judith and Brandenburg, Margot - The Power of Impact Investing

Wharton, 2014 [Surrounding knowledge] Grade 4

Impact investing is similar to value investing in one crucial aspect: you either grasp its eloquent righteousness instantly or you don’t. If you are one of the people who reflexively turn your back on concepts such as socially responsible investments (SRI), ethical investing or corporate... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Howard, C. Thomas - Behavioral Portfolio Management

Harriman House, 2014, [Behavioural Finance] Grade 4

This is a book on how to exploit the irrationality of financial markets. Thomas Howard is the Denver University finance professor that converted from Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) to Behavioral Finance and turned practitioner by founding AthenaInvest where he as the CIO... Further reading...  Link to Harriman House...  Link to Amazon...

Cunningham, Lawrence A. - Berkshire Beyond Buffett

Wiley Finance, 2014 [Equity Investing] Grade 4

Hopefully this book can do for corporate culture and creating value what William Thorndike’s Outsiders did for share buybacks and “value creation”. For those of you with a high degree of Warren Buffett-nausea, please keep reading! If Larry Cunningham’s The Essays of Warren... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Gawande, Atul - The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right

Picador, 2009, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 4

In all professions experts face a rise in complexity due to increased domain knowledge. The traditional answer has been to specialize into an ever-smaller niche to be able to keep the expert status. Besides creating the undesirable second order consequence that too few have the... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Weiss, Antonio E. - Key Business Solutions

Prentice Hall, 2011, [Business] Grade 3

Who wouldn’t want the tool to solve business problems? The British-Mexican Antonio Weiss has a varied and interesting history. With an academic background as an historian of the state and religion he moved on to become a management consultant doing work for the UK public sector... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Covert, Jack & Sattersten, Todd - The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

Penguin Group, 2009, [Business] Grade 2

As any newspaper publisher knows people love top lists. This entire book is a top list of business books. Jack Covert who is the founder of the business book retailer 800-CEO-READS and publisher of “Jack Covert Reads” has read and reviewed business literature for several decades... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Gogerty, Nick - The Nature of Value

Columbia University Press, 2014, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

This book wants to be taken seriously – and it should. The ambition is grand and the author is innovative. Nick Gogerty could perhaps easiest be described as a serial entrepreneur within technology and finance. He’s a private strategist working for leading hedge funds, banks and... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Young, James Webb - A Technique for Producing Ideas

McGraw-Hill, 2003, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 2

In his last year as an advertising agency executive, James Webb Young was taking an apparently urgent meeting with a client at a well-known magazine. It turned out that the magazine had decided that their future strategy should be to “sell ideas”. However, after that they got stuck... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Spitznagel, Mark - The Dao of Capital

John Wiley & Sons, 2013, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

This Book is not like anyone you have read before. Mark Spitznagel builds a mosaic of philosophy, history, economics, military strategy, psychology and more to end up with a loose framework for equity investing that could serve as a practical sequel to Nassim N. Taleb’s Antifragile. Indeed...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Lewis, Michael - Flash Boys: Cracking the Money Code

Allen Lane, 2014, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

It is usually the sign of a good book if it ignites heated debate between its detractors and its supporters. Equally, it is the sign of a good book if it was written by Michael Lewis. This book delivers superbly on all promises. Lewis, who needs no introduction after smash hits such as... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Leder, Michelle - Financial Fine Print

Wiley, 2003, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

Reading Financial Fine Print takes me down memory lane to the early noughties when this reviewer – deemed “a sceptic and perma-bear” – created several “Black Lists” consisting of companies with multiple red flags in minefields like pension debt, option schemes, goodwill... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Dobelli, Rolf - The Art of Thinking Clearly

HarperCollins Publishers, 2013, [Behavioural Finance] Grade 3

We don’t know what makes for a successful investor or the key to happiness, however we do know what does not. In the words of Warren Buffett: “Charlie and I have not learned how to solve difficult business problems. What we have learned is to avoid them”. The method of illuminating...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Seyhun, H. Nejat - Investment Intelligence From Insider Trading

The MIT Press, 2000, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

A central guidepost of finance is that an investor that is better informed than the others can generate returns higher than the less knowledgeable. The investor with the ultimate level of corporate specific knowledge is the corporate insider. The objective of this book is to determine...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Ferguson, Niall - The Great Degeneration

Penguin Books, 2013, [Economics] Grade 4

Authoritarian state capitalism à la China is on the rise while the democratic, economically liberal societies seam to be in a dead end. In this book Niall Ferguson, a Scottish born Harvard professor of history, examines the underlying reasons for the stagnation of the Western World. The... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Tjia, John S. - Building Financial Models

McGraw-Hill, 2009, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

Forecasting is hard. Skilled financial forecasting with inadequate tools is even harder. This book supplies the tools; that is, it supplies the structure of the Excel-designs used to try to model a company’s financial future and the DCF used to assess its intrinsic value. John Tjia for a very... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

O´glove, Thornton – Quality of Earnings

Free Press 2007, [Equity Investing], Grade 4

Recently, there was an article about Chinese IPOs in a Shanghai newspaper. The writer spoke to Yan Ding, head of Ceibs Research Center in Shanghai about the merits of investing in the avalanche of IPOs coming the market’s way this year. “If somebody asks me whether to invest...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Rappaport, Alfred – Saving Capitalism From Short-Termism

McGraw-Hill, 2011, [Business] Grade 3

In the popular debate there is a growing consensus that short-termism in financial markets is a big problem. Is this actually the case? – And if so, what can be done about it? Alfred Rappaport, one of the founding fathers of what’s been dubbed the Shareholder Value Model and author...  Further Reading...  Link to Amazon...