Reeves, Martin; Haanaes, Knut & Sinha, Janmejaya - Your Strategy Needs a Strategy

Harvard Business Review Press, 2015, [Business] Grade 4

Fortune magazine are seeking suggestions on books that have changed someone’s mind on an important topic for their December issue. This book is my humble suggestion. Your Strategy Needs a Strategy perhaps hasn’t reversed my view on what corporate strategy is but it... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Freeman-Shor, Lee - The Art of Execution

Harriman House, 2015, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

I’m a terrible snob when it comes to investment literature. Books written for private investors rarely interest me. This is different. This might be the most important book on investments that a private investor can read – if he can gather the discipline to follow the advice. It might actually... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Buchanan, Mark - Forecast

Bloomsbury, 2013, [Economics] Grade 3

The raison d’être for this book as the author describes it, is to fill a void. After the financial crisis there has been an immense amount of books describing psychological and institutional reasons for the crash. Yet the discussion around the soundness of the economic theories used to make... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Tindell, Kip - Uncontainable

Grand Central Publishing, 2014 [Business], Grade 4

Only one thing prevents this book from being invited to the same table as “Straight from the gut”, “Good to great” and other business biography luminaries. And that one thing is, unfortunately, the ultimate success for the employee- and customer satisfaction based... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Del Vecchio, John & Jacobs, Tom - What's Behind the Numbers?

McGraw Hill, 2013, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

If your portfolio looses 50 percent of its value it needs to recover 100 percent to reach the same spot. If you can avoid a fair number of the worst performers in the stock market you will have a good chance to outperform. One way to avoid some of the holdings that kill performance is to... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Inkpen, Andrew & Moffett, Michael H. - The Global Oil & Gas Industry

PennWell, 2011, [Business] Grade 4

This might be the best text around on the business aspects of the oil and gas industry. The authors are two business professors who also serve as co-directors of the Thunderbird Center for Global Energy Studies. They aim to write a single source nontechnical book for amongst others... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Downey, Morgan - Oil 101

Wooden Table Press, 2009, [Business] Grade 4

If you seek a well-crafted technical guide to the production of oil and gas suited for the non-engineer this is a hot contender. The author used to be the Global Head of Commodities at Bloomberg after being a commodities trader at Standard Chartered, Bank of America and... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Yergin, Daniel - The Quest: Energy, and the Remaking of the Modern World

Penguin Books, 2011, [Finance] Grade 4

This is a monumental tour of the economical, political and technical history of energy and oil. Daniel Yergin is one of the world’s premier energy policy experts. After being a lecturer at Harvard he in 1984 co-founded Cambridge Energy Research Associates that in 2004 was... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Lacalle, Daniel & Parrilla, Diego - The Energy World Is Flat

John Wiley & Sons, 2015, [Business] Grade 3

Two portfolio managers offer their view of the energy markets in a forceful manner. Their opinions would have few supporters a year ago but after the recent declines in oil prices the followers have probably increased in numbers. Madrid born Daniel Lacalle entered the financial... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Greenblatt, Joel - The Little Book That Beats the Market

John Wiley & Sons, 2006, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

During the summer InvestingByTheBooks will review some older books that we never got around to writing about although we think they are important. Joel Greenblatt’s The Little Book That Beats the Market had an immediate and vast impact when it was published in 2006. Greenblatt is through his hedge fund Gotham Capital and later ventures clearly one of the most successful... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Easterling, Ed - Unexpected Returns

Cypress House, 2005, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

During the summer InvestingByTheBooks will review some older books that we never got around to writing about although we think they are important. Ed Easterling shows that by taking a step back and getting a better overview the investor gains an understanding of secular market... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Lynch, Peter (with Rothchild, John) - Beating the Street

Simon & Schuster, 1993, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

During the summer InvestingByTheBooks will review some older books that we never got around to writing about although we think they are important. The legendary fund manager Peter Lynch wrote his classic One Up On Wall Street while still managing the Magellan Fund at Fidelity. This... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Dreman, David - Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Next Generation

Simon & Shuster, 1998, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

During the summer InvestingByTheBooks will review some older books that we never got around to writing about although we think they are important. Canadian born value investor David Dreman founded New Jersey based Dreman Value Management in 1977 after having served as... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Kim, W. Chan & MauBorgne, Renée - Blue Ocean Strategy

Harvard Business School Press, 2005, [Business] Grade 4

During the summer InvestingByTheBooks will review some older books that we never got around to writing about although we think they are important. With their innovative and fresh perspective on strategy the two INSEAD Professors Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne has... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Rappaport, Alfred - Creating Shareholder Value

The Free Press, 1998 (1st ed 1986), [Business] Grade 4

During the summer InvestingByTheBooks will review some older books that we never got around to writing about although we think they are important. Alfred Rappaport’s Creating Shareholder Value from 1986 is a yardstick for the shareholder value movement. The author shows how...  Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Slater, Jim - The Zulu Principle

Orion, 1992, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

During the summer InvestingByTheBooks will review some older books that we never got around to writing about although we think they are important. First out is Jim Slater’s The Zulu Principle written to his son who had shown an interest in investing. The book is seen as growth investing... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Rockwood, Richard M. - The Focused Few

2015 (2nd ed), [Equity Investing] Grade 3

Standing on the shoulder of investment giants, equity analyst Richard Rockwoood has written a book with the sub-title Taking a Multidisciplinary Approach to Focus Investing alluding to Charlie Munger’s concept of a Latticework of Mental Models. The latticework metaphor was used in a... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Johansson, Sven-Erik & Runsten, Mikael - The Profitability, Financing, and Growth of the Firm

Studentlitteratur, 2014, [Business] Grade 4

This book is a Swedish institution that deserves wider international acclaim. It portrays the firm as a financial system with a number of inter-relationships between 1) the acquisition and generation of resources, 2) the capital needed for the ongoing business operations and for... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Singer, Brian & Fedorinchik, Greg - Investment Leadership and Portfolio Management

John Wiley & Sons, 2010, [Finance] Grade 4

From a management perspective the investment business is an unusual animal due to the loose relationship between cause and effect. In most other industries, if you do the right thing and do it better in every way than your competitors you will win. In investment management you’ll have... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Fearon, Scott - Dead Companies Walking

Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

Dead Companies Walking is something of a biography of an investment career stretching more than 30 years, primarily in the U.S. small/mid cap market and over 20 years of running a hedge fund. During his career, Scott Fearon has had particular success with finding businesses that... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...