Fisher, Kenneth L. – Super Stocks

McGraw-Hill, 1984 1st ed, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

Some strands of value investing are relatively quantative in their focus on the replacement cost of balance sheet items etc. A growth investor invests in the unknowable future of a company. In some respects growth investing then is more of an art form where some forms of value investing... Further reading... Link to Amazon...

Erne, Brendan & Teufel, Andrew – Fisher Investments on Technology

John Wiley & Sons, 2010, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

The ever-changing technology sector is tricky to cover in a text with long duration like a book. The authors, at the time employees at California based Fisher Investments, handle the reasonably task well. Today’s trendy topics such as Social, Big Data and Mobile aren’t covered as they... Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Orol, Ronald D. – Extreme Value Hedging

John Wiley & Sons, 2008, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

To some, activists are a flock of locusts destroying all what comes in their way. Others see them as champions of the rights of owners and slayers of corporate waste and inefficiency. In 2000 Financial journalist Ronald Orol got assigned to the task of scanning the...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Muzea, George - The Vital Few vs. The Trivial Many

John Wiley & Sons, 2005, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

No matter how much you research the stocks you invest in there are always some that know the companies even better: the management. Imagine if you could employ them part time to work for you. In a way you can. George Muzea has spent the main part of his 40-year career in the...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Mlodinow, Leonard - Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

Random House, 2012, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 5

“Who is the boss between you and mommy?”
 “Who is the boss? You have to ask that? I’m the boss. Mommy is only the decision maker.”
Woody Allen excels at portraying funny, pathetic and often self-delusional characters. These lines from the film Mighty Aphrodite are a case in point...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...


Smith, Adam - The Money Game

Vintage Books, 1976 1st ed, [Behavioural Finance] Grade 5

Long before the term behavioural finance there was someone writing about the significance of identity. Long before the witty Buffett-isms, someone wrote those same words as part of his Irregular Rules. And long before Michael Lewis carved out his own position as the...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Osterwalder, Alexander & Pigneur, Yves - Business Model Generation

John Wiley & Sons, 2010, [Business] Grade 4

After reading the terrific first chapter of this stylish book on understanding and developing innovative business models I was ready to give the book the highest grade. I changed my mind though. The text is something of a crowd-sourcing project with 470 co-authors but the foundation that the text...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Cheng, Victor - Case Interview Secrets

Innovation Press, 2012, [Business] Grade 4

Did you know that there are consultants consulting on how to become a consultant? The competition to get employed at BCG, Bain or McKinsey is murderous so the applicants who prepare ahead of the interview obviously have the upper hand. This book aims to prepare the hopeful...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Marcus, Bernie & Blank, Arthur (with Andelman, Bob) - Built from Scratch

Homer TLC, 1999, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 4

I was recently recommended this book by a devoted football fan. One of the authors, Arthur Blank, is currently the owner of the Atlanta Falcons. His aim is to create one of the strongest franchises in the NFL - a challenge well in line with building...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Kramer, Hilary - The Little Book of Big Profits from Small Stocks

John Wiley & Sons, 2012, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

Hilary Kramer, editor of two investment letters and previous hedge fund manager and equity analyst at Morgan Stanley and Lehman here shares her hard earned insights from 25 years of small cap investing. Her starting point is that of a contrarian searching for beaten down and unloved stocks that...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Brown, Aaron - Red-Blooded Risk

John Wiley & Sons, 2012, [Finance] Grade 4

I really don’t know what to make of this book. Parts of it are hugely interesting, even brilliant, and other parts are simply strange. It’s a mighty and personal exposé of philosophy, psychology, politics, gambling, statistics and god knows what else. All of the above is tied to risk taking and...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Richard, Christine S. - Confidence Game

John Wiley & Sons, 2010, [Equity Investing] Grade 5

This is an almost epic tale of a clash between a blunt, stubborn-as-a-mule hedge fund manager with a fierce sense of justice called Bill Ackman and MBIA, the largest municipal bond insurer in the United States with a tough CEO named Jay Brown. It’s also a story of lazy...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Fisher, Ken - The Little Book of Market Myths

Wiley, 2013, [Behavioural Finance] Grade 4

The Little Book series is now 28 books old and has set out to prove all those early doubters wrong, simply by taking the difficult & complex out of financial matters. It doesn’t hurt, of course, to also have contributors such as Joel Greenblatt, John Bogle and Mark Mobius, to name just a few of...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Buffett, Mary & Clark, David - Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements

Scribner, 2008, [Equity Investing] Grade 4

The authors have written several books on Warren Buffett’s investment approach. The “Buffettology” books are the more well known. The title of this book is inspired by Ben Graham’s seminal book on the subject of using financial statements to find undervalued stocks. What makes this book...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Le Fanu, James - The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine

Basic Books, 2012 2nd ed, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 4

You should only invest within your own circle of competence – but you should also always try to increase that circle. Before Phoenix Asset Management ventured the fund’s money in health care stocks they ploughed through 30 books on the sector. According to portfolio manager Gary Channon, as...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Piper, Mike - Accounting Made Simple

2013, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 4

An introductory text on accounting should in some form or another include: a) the accounting principles that form the normative base, b) bookkeeping procedures that provide the input for the accounting and c) the financial statements that constitute the output. The question is...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Fisher, Roger & Ury, William (& Patton Bruce for the 2nd ed) - Getting To Yes

Random House, 1991, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 4

A negotiation boils down to all sides taking their positions, arguing their point of view, making concessions and finally striking a compromise. A good outcome is when the compromise is wise and efficient and when the relationships of those involved are not damaged. This book tries...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Neff, Thomas J. & Citrin, James M. - You’re In Charge – Now What?

Crown Business, 2005, [Business] Grade 3

The first hundred days has become an ingrained feature of business management perception, vocabulary and subsequently real practice. In media often referred to as a grace period, the days in question are hardly ever graceful. The first hundred days are the first few months for...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Schilit, Howard - Financial Shenanigans

McGraw-Hill, 2002 2nd ed, [Surrounding Knowledge] Grade 4

Greed is as old as mankind. Unscrupulous people will try to trick others out of their money. One arena for this is the business sector and especially after the IT-crash there was a number of high profile accounting scandals. Financial Shenanigans has become the de-facto standard work on...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...

Herrmann, Robert L. - Sir John Templeton

Templeton Foundation Press, 2004, [Equity Investing] Grade 3

When you hear the name “Sir John Templeton”, what is the first thought that shoots into your head? The pioneering global investor? The prayers before investment meetings as a symbol for getting the right mindset to think? The Bahamas? His frugality? The immortal...  Further reading...  Link to Amazon...